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Running To Herself

Running To Herself

It began
or did it end
with the slamming
of the door
and her cry
"No more!"
Not looking back
gunning the engine
pulling away
she knows inside
"This is the day."
Windshield wipers pound
to the beating
of her heart
Battling back tears
she prays
"No fear."

The road winds along
new towns
a fresh start?
She thinks
"One day at a time."
signs flashing by.
She looks for the one
that says
"New life...this way"

Miles upon miles
separate them now.
Rolling the windows down
a soft breeze
blows away old thoughts.
She let's her hair down
breathes new air.
The sun emerges
and deep inside
she feels alive
and bright.
A little voice
inside her says
"It's going to be alright."

c 6-16-02

